Managing a project during a pandemic

Managing projects is rarely easy. Managing during a pandemic is another matter!  Here are four actions that can help:

Soft skills first! It’s time to highlight your soft skills.  Touch base with each team member to determine their ability to perform.  Based on their circumstances, you may need to adjust their availability upward or downward if they’re working from home.  Follow up frequently, understand their changing needs, and adjust project plans as required.

Accommodate unpredictability. We’re seeing change like we’ve never experienced before.  Mentally prepare for frequently-changing demands and adjust plans to support those changes.  Align your risk management plan accordingly. Now is not the time to over-commit.  Review your project schedule to determine the actual output capability of your team and adjust as required.

Leverage technology.  Have your video conference expert show others the features your tool has to offer.  The more comfortable EACH team member is with video capabilities, the more productive and relaxed they will become.

Remember self-care. Don’t forget about yourself.  Proactively communicate the project changes you believe are necessary to ensure you have the tools, resources, and emotional support you need.  The more balanced you are – the better equipped you will be to help each team member as required.

During this unpredictable time, you need to balance caring for the project mission, your team, and yourself!

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