
In memory of my husband Pete who left us much too soon. He was sufficiently Type-A to understand me, mellow enough to calm me down, and so nice that a little of that rubbed off on me. Every day, I miss his sense of humor, his patience, and his keen insight into human nature. He didn't like to have his picture taken, so he can't blame me for posting one of the embarassing ones.

Shea is also no longer with me but he was a 110 pound lapdog, so you have to have a sturdy lap. Emma is gone, too, but they both lived long and happy lives. There should be a puppy in my future soon.

It was pretty lonely working from home until Shea and Emma joined the family. Bernese Mountain Dogs work as draft dogs in Switzerland pulling milk carts. My dogs have always led more of a life of leisure.They are great companions and very good footwarmers during the winter.

Bernese are great dogs. If you're thinking about getting one, be forewarned that the breeders are very fussy about their buyers, and rightly so. You don't buy a Berner. You must earn and pay for the right to belong to one of these great dogs. The dogs also know this, so you have to be really good to them or they will call the breeder and ask for a new owner. Emma starts work at the computer desk first thing in the morning and keeps at it until late in the evening. In the summer, she would tell me when it was time to work at the table outside.


Shea slept on the job when he was supposed to be maintaining my computer equipment. And, Emma makes it perfectly clear how she feels about filing papers. But, their mastery of cuteness is without equal.

Emma Sleeping on the Job


With Pete's Supervision, Emma finally gets to work.

They are NOT hunting dogs!